At Hey Fat Guy!, we believe that all cookies are created equal, and we stand for the principle that all cookies matter. This policy serves as a guide to our commitment to provide equal opportunities for all cookies, regardless of their shape, size, or flavor.

  1. Non-Discrimination We do not tolerate discrimination against any type of cookie. All cookies, whether chocolate chip, oatmeal, or snickerdoodle, should be treated with respect and dignity. We will not allow anyone to be subjected to discriminatory treatment or harassment based on their cookie type.
  2. Accessibility All cookies should be made available to all employees at all times, regardless of their preferences or dietary restrictions. We strive to provide a wide range of cookies to accommodate the diverse tastes and needs of our employees. We will not tolerate any employee hoarding or hiding cookies, as this goes against our commitment to equality.
  3. Inclusivity We encourage all employees to share their cookie preferences and recipes, and we celebrate the diversity of cookies within our workplace. We acknowledge that everyone has different tastes, and we embrace the unique qualities that each type of cookie brings to the table.
  4. Fair Treatment All cookies will be treated fairly, regardless of their popularity or demand. We will not give preferential treatment to any one type of cookie over another. We recognize that each cookie has its own strengths and weaknesses, and we strive to create a level playing field for all cookies to succeed.
  5. Accountability We hold ourselves accountable to our commitment to equal treatment of all cookies. Any violations of this policy will be taken seriously and will result in disciplinary action.

This policy reflects our values and commitment to treating all cookies with the respect they deserve. By working together, we can create a workplace that celebrates the diversity and importance of all cookies.


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